How to Start a Diet for Weight Loss

Most people think of dieting as the most daunting aspect of weight loss, so we’ve got you covered on the basic tips to jump start your appetite for success. 


1. Begin with simple swaps

If you don’t like vegetables and someone suggests eating salads, that’s not going to help you very much is it? Start with something you like and eat every week or everyday. Say you like hamburgers and eat them regularly—why not find a healthier version of a normal hamburger? Try 93% fat free beef instead of the regular 85%, switch to turkey patties instead of ground beef, change the regular enriched white flour bun for a wheat or whole grain option. The possibilities are endless!

2. Stop drinking your calories

I cannot stress this enough: Limit or stop drinking soda, juice, and any other high sugar/calorie drink! The recommended daily sugar intake for men is about 37 grams and 25 grams for women. Just one can of regular Coke is a whopping 39 grams of sugar, and a single cup of apple juice is 24 grams of sugar. The real kicker here is that if these things are already a regular part of your diet, you probably don’t stop at just one can or one cup. Get the picture? Cut liquid calories and see the transformation right before your eyes!

3. Start eating smaller portions

Begin by taking a look at the portions you would normally give yourself, then cut them down little by little until, ideally, you reach the recommended serving size. A common tactic to reducing your portion while retaining a feeling of fullness is by using smaller dishes so that a smaller serving by comparison seems much bigger.


Starting small and easing your way into a diet is going to prove beneficial in the long run. Baby steps start turning into bigger steps, and before you know it, you’ve made a lifestyle.