The most difficult part about beginning a weight loss journey is just getting started. For those who are worried about the cost, time, and effort involved here are the top 3 methods to losing weight fast that anyone can adapt from home on their own time.
- Cutting Calories
Anybody is capable of taking this route, and this is the easiest way to lose weight fast. Calories are a measurement of energy, and calorie intake depends on how tall, genetically structured, what stage of life you are (teenager, adult), etc. Studies done in the US recommend 2,000 calories a day, with a minimum of 1200, for an average adult. It does not have to be that low, especially in the beginning, as any cut to calorie intake will result in weight loss.
- Cardio
If eating less does not appeal to you, then why not start doing cardio? You can begin by taking a walk around your neighborhood and then increasing time, distance, or pace. Eventually, you can begin jogging or running (if your knees do not have any problems) and watch the weight fly off. There are many ways to do cardio and anything that can increase your heart rate is the key here. Cardio burns calories at a faster rate than weight training and it does not have to be intensive at all.
- Motivational Partner
To maintain steady weight loss, consistency is a necessity. Having someone to keep you accountable makes losing weight a much more smoother and easier experience, especially if your partner is also trying to lose weight. This simple truth cannot be understated and is a very powerful tool to keep from losing momentum.
Not every method of weight loss is a universal fit, and finding the right plan for yourself may take some trial and error. These methods are simply the building blocks which can help you get started on your weight loss journey while focusing on what’s really important: You!